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2023 Grant Recipients

Congrats to our 2023 Grant Recipients!

Michelle Erickson - Reading Leaders (Elmore Elementary and Beaumont Elementary Schools)
Bring in a book author to present at both Beaumont and Elmore schools, as well as purchase the author's books to add to classroom libraries.

Kristen Hanson - 5th Grade Enrichment Clubs (Sullivan Elementary School) 
Offer a variety of enrichment clubs for 5th graders to participate in on Fridays. Clubs would be 6-8 weeks.

Jennifer Georgia - Martin School Community Book Club (Martin Elementary School)
Martin families and community members will participate in two book readings at home. Along with the book readings, each family will do an activity together that correlates with the characters in the book.

Michelle Flicek - School-Wide STEAM Days (King Elementary School)
Funding request of supplies to implement 2-3 school-wide days of STEAM activities.

Melisa Messenger - The Nest - A Space for Students to Proactively Refresh and Regulate (Aldo Leopold Community School)
Create a mindfulness space in the teacher storage area where students can go to self-regulate and become mindful before returning to learning.

Katie Vande Castle - Preble Secondary Autism Focus Program Sensory Room (Preble High School)
Funding would allow for an additional sensory room for the autism focus program at Preble.

Jennifer Johnson - Milk Matters at Elmore Elementary (Elmore Elementary School)
Funding to take a field trip to Farm Wisconsin, bringing the argument writing lesson (topic is milk) to life.

Janelle Krebsbach - Sensory Room Refresh (Lombardi Middle School)
Refresh the sensory room at Lombardi which is utilized by students with autism.